Jul 11
Last Updated on 20 September 2011

Maritime Museum

a model of a ship in Hellenic Maritime MuseumIn this museum you can find the whole Greek Navy's history from the Antiquity (even the Ulysses' travels) to Nowadays. The oldest objects are some worked obsidian stones maybe from 8000 BC.

Through pottery vases, relieves and frescos (a masterpiece is the one discovered in Akrotiki (Thera, Santorini), scale models of different ships, drawings and maps of famous naval battles (Salamina, Lepanto and Navarino), different types of weapons… different periods of Greek Naval History are represented.

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Saturday: 9:00 - 14:00

Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Bank Holidays.

Getting to the Hellenic Maritime Museum

From the city centre of Athens to Piraeus:
Take the Metro to Piraeus and then Bus 904 (Terminal Platia Loudovikou - Destination Platia Freattidos).Take the Metro to Piraeus and then Bus 904 (Terminal Platia Loudovikou- Destination Platia Freattidos).
Take Bus 040 (Terminal, Filellinon Str, Athens) and get off at Dimotiko Theatro. Then take Bus 300 and get off at Tzanio Hospital. Follow the signs to the Hellenic Maritime Museum which is within a 300 metre distance.
Take Bus 049 (Terminal, Athinas Str, Athens) and get off at Dimotiko Theatro. Then take Bus 300 and get off at Tzanio Hospital. Follow the signs to the Hellenic Maritime Museum which is within a 300 metre distance.


Regular fee: 4 euros
Reduced 50%:
Elderly people (above 65)
Students: 1,50 euros

No fee:
Disabled people
Members of H.M.M.
Members of Elias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum
Members of Goulandri Museum
Members of ICOM
Ministry of Culture Card Owners
Academics - Teachers
Children younger than 6